வியாழன், 26 ஜூன், 2014

War of the worlds - Part 1

Once of upon a time,in the krita yugam, there was an asuran king called vritra. He was very powerful, strong & had a huge army of danavas known as Kalakeyas. They were invincible in battle.

He assaulted the devas and made them run for their lives. And he ruled all the three worlds.

The devas, headed by Indra, went to Brahma and cried for help. Brahma said, i know the reason for your sorrow and also the means to end it.

Brahma told the devas, there is a powerful rishi named Dadhicha. You all go to him and ask him to help you. Being big hearted he will say yes, then you ask him to give you his bones to be made as a weapon.

So the devas went to Dadhicha's aashramam, which was on the banks of saraswathi. There they fell on their knees and prayed at his feet to grant them a boon to end Vritra. Dadhicha being satisfied with the prayers of the devas, asked them what they wanted. The devas said, we want your bones to kill Vritra.

Dadhicha, renounced his life then & there and let devas take his bones. Devas took his bones and went to Twashtri (the weapon maker of the Devas). He made a very powerful weapon from the bones of Dadhicha known as "Vajrayutham". Having manufactured this weapon, he told Indra "Now go and conquer your enemies"

Indra armed with Vajrayutham, along with the other devas, went to fight Vritra.

There was a fierce battle between the devas & the Kalakeya army. The Kalakeyans were huge, powerful and the devas were no match for them. The Kalakeyas using their superior weapons destroyed the deva army, deva heads were rolling like dice. The Kalakeyas went on to crush the deva army, everyone fled.

Indra got dejected by the force of the Kalakeyas, fled and was trembling in fear. Seeing this, Vishnu went to Indra and told him that I will give you some of my power. All the devas & rishis also came forward and gave Indra a part of their powers to him.

Indra armed with Vajrayutham & powers of all the gods again went to fight Vritra. Vritra learning that all gods & rishis have given their powers to Indra, became furious. He let out a big roar and went to face Indra. Indra on hearing this loud roar, became terrified, hurled the Vajrayutham towards Vritra and ran. Indra did not stop to see the result. Vritra was slain by the Vajrayutham. Indra stopped running, only when, he heard others praising his valor for killing Vritra.

After Vritra was fallen, the devas started fighting spiritedly. The Kalakeyas on learning that their leader has fallen, fled to the depths of the ocean.

The devas & Indiran seeing no resistance, proclaimed their victory and went to their place to celebrate.

But the Kalakeyas, hiding under the ocean, had other plans. They would emerge from ocean under the darkness during night and kill, then go hiding under the ocean during day time.

People were getting slaughtered, no one knew why or how it was happening. The devas were concerned, because without the human beings serving them, they would not be able to sustain.

So they again went to Brahma, Brahma said I know why you are here and I also know the remedy. The Kalakeyas are hiding under the ocean, where you cannot go, so you need help.

Brahma says go to the great rishi Agasthiyar, he will help you.

The devas go to Agasthiyar and asks for his help, Agasthiyar says ok no problem. Lets check it out. The devas along with Agasthiyar go to the ocean. Agasthiyar says beach is great, whats your problem? The devas say, we need to get our enemies under this water. Can you help us?

Agasthiyar says, ah that is easy.

So he dips his hand in the ocean and starts drinking it. And he drinks all the water in the ocean, the devas are happy. The devas now could spot the Kalakeyas, they slay all of them. Once all the casualties are over, the devas ask Agasthiyar to release the water back again.

Agasthiyar, Oh I am sorry, I have digested it all. You only asked my help in clearing the ocean. And I have done that.

Now you are asking something different, please wait for the oceans to be filled, I am beyond helping you.

கருத்துகள் இல்லை:
